Ajax V Breda 2004.
25 yards out, centre field, back turned to goal. Need to hold the ball up. Pass coming from midfield. Get side on between the ball and the defender behind (Defender 1). Stretch left arm out to maximise that distance. Control the ball with the outside of the right foot. Shield.
Defender1 has dropped back. Touch has got away a bit and approaching defender is coming in fast to tackle. Two small steps forward and keep the foot low behind and on top of the ball. He attempts to strike through. That's a mistake. Strong body. Shove him off as he's off balance. Poor technique by him, never kick through like that. Turn and face forward and inject speed.
22 yards out, inside right of the box. Feint to shoot with right foot. Defender 1 who was behind goes for a block and commits his balance. With the inside of the right foot, snap the ball back across him. He's gone! Keep the ball close, attack the centre edge of the D. Next defender coming in. Use the same move but on the other foot. Feint to shoot with the left and snap the ball back across him. Now completely lose him by snapping the ball back across him again, with the right foot. He' s gone!
Now centre of 18-yard line. No time! 3rd defender launching in with off the ground slide tackle. Use fast inside, outside right foot, and diagonally push the ball past his outstretched foot. Nice! Now Inside the box, is the shot on? No! Defender 1 has recovered and gets ready to block. Drop the left foot out wide to the left and bounce back off it as it lands in the grass, moving to the right diagonally tapping the ball off the outside right foot as, he goes in the opposite direction.
Just outside the 6-yard box, to the right of the post. Can see Goalkeeper coming out to narrow the angle and put pressure on. Feint to shoot with right foot. Defender 1 and Goalkeeper launch themselves to block, but again, snap the ball back across body. They're sold and on the deck. Look at that, an open goal, and a trail of defenders behind. Finish the job. Pass the ball into the empty net. Job done!
I've broken down the various skills used above from a player’s perspective within the game. These include:
· Receiving the ball with back to goal
· Shielding
· Block tackling
· Feinting to shoot and cutting the ball across your body
· Sidestep
· Speed
· Strength
This is truly an incredible goal. Ibrahimovic commented that, he was out to make a point that day. The fans favourite Forward was claiming Ibra had injured him in training and the fans were giving Ibra a hard time. You can see in his determination and focus that he was on a mission. What a way to get the fans on your side.
Hope you enjoy the breakdown. Confidence, strength, speed, determination, and mastered skill all on display here. Keep practicing!
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Aaron Tighe
Founder One2Pro